Sunday, September 2, 2007

What's in a Name?

Choosing names has always been difficult for me--especially under pressure. I sat there staring at the screen, my husband looking over my shoulder.

"What are you going to call it?" Charming asked.

"Uh...I'm not sure," I answered nervously.

I typed in a title. Delete. I tried another one. Delete.

Finally I just took a deep breath, typed it in, closed my eyes and clicked the button.

"Why did you choose that one?" Charming asked.

Uh-oh, I thought, Isn't it obvious?

See, I love making DVD movies. It combines my two great loves: family and home videos/pictures. (My nieces and nephews wouldn't recognize Aunt Heidi without a camera glued to her face).

I learned about video authoring a few years ago and it was like the heavens opened with an angelic choir singing and light poured down upon my upturned face.

This is my calling!
I thought, and I've never looked back.

Mostly I make movies of family reunions. See, I have three brothers and four sisters. All but one of us are married with children and we're all scattered across the western half of the United States. But we love being together. So every year we pack up our children and car seats and trek to my parents' house in beautiful California. Then we live it up with Mom's delicious cooking, late-night Mafia games, music performances and tons of laughter!

So far I've made three movies. Fortunately, my family loves them. In fact, this last reunion they made me cry when my oldest brother gave me a check to buy a new computer! Secretly, the whole family pooled together money for me and my husband bought me this sweet new machine that's so fast! (Can you believe that? Am I lucky, or what?)

Anyhow, while making my second movie, I recruited my brilliant husband to make a Flash clip to be my new trademark: Heidi's Studio. I wanted something simple, classy and feminine. Of course, he did a great job--exactly what I wanted. (Like I said, he's just brilliant. And funny, too. And handsome).

That was a couple years ago, and now Heidi's Studio has taken on an entity all its own. (That doesn't mean I have to pay taxes on my family's gift money, does it?)

So, it was the natural choice for the name of my new blog.

(p.s. My current project is huge--kind of a biographical piece spanning from my parents' births to their children's marriages. My goal is to have it finished in time for their 40th wedding anniversary next year. Here's a link to the trailer I just made for it).