Thursday, September 13, 2007

Farmer in Training

There are many people who adore Bubbers.

The free sample ladies at Costco. Our neighbors. Little children. The Relief Society ladies. The teachers and priests who play "peek-a-boo" and make him laugh in Priesthood opening exercises. Strangers on the street. Me. Prince Charming.

And, of course, his wonderful grandparents.

Bubbers has found an especially fond place in the hearts of Charming's parents. They love hearing about Bubbers and I love talking about Bubbers, so it's a perfect match! :)

The first time Charming's parents met Bubbers, they brought him a special gift. Or rather, Grandpa brought him a special gift. And it's been hanging in Bubbers' closet since then, awaiting the day that it fit.

Today was that day. After Bubbers' morning nap, I gave him an extra soapy bath so he'd be extra soft and extra good smelling. (Mmm, I love the smell of a freshly bathed baby).

Then I put it on and got the camera.

We love you, Grandpa!!