Monday, September 24, 2007

5 things Meme

For once, I'm actually all ready for the day and the Little Man is still napping (wow!), so I'm going to take a stab at Tearese's "5 things Meme". (Altered just a little).

5 things I was doing 5 years ago:
(sorry, I couldn't remember enough from 10 years ago--that's why I keep journals--I can't remember what I did yesterday)

1. Starting my senior year at the UW
2. Learning to fall asleep while sitting up in a commuter bus
3. Waking up the strange guy snoring on my shoulder in a commuter bus
4. Applying to graduate school at the UW
5. Asking my husband to make dinner because I was too tired (I was anemic--who knew??)

5 things on my to-do list today:

1. Go grocery shopping
2. Write some emails for my church calling as Enrichment Leader
3. Change my son's diaper (he's awake now and just let loose while sitting here in my lap--excuse me for a minute)
4. Scan 5 pages of pictures from my Mom's 6th family photo album
5. Make dinner for my husband

5 snacks I enjoy:

1. Trail mix with M&M's
2. Costco peanut butter bars
3. Vanilla yogurt with grapes, topped with granola (mmm!)
4. Cold cereal
5. Cinnamon graham crackers dipped in milk

5 things I would do if I were a millionaire:

1. Buy more clothes that fit me now
2. Buy photography lights
3. Buy Photoshop
4. Add a few more rooms to our house (and then hire a maid)
5. Save the rest and keep it a secret from our kids

5 bad habits:

1. Wanting to stay up late and sleep in
2. Being indirect
3. Making piles around the house of things to do that rarely get done
4. Spending too much time online (so it's a really good thing I started a blog)
5. Being late (and taking too much time to do things)

5 things people probably don't know about me:

1. I'm an introvert stuck in an extrovert's body
2. I write romance stories I never finish or let anyone read
3. I worry too much about what other people think
4. I'm afraid of water and can't swim (almost drowned as a kid and afraid ever since)
5. It's difficult for me to call people (especially to ask for help)

Um, I don't think I'm going to tag anyone... As far as I know, Tearese and Charming are my only regular readers, and Tearese already did it and I don't think it's controversial enough for Charming's blog. So, I'll just say, "You're it!" and whatever random person stumbles across this gets tagged. :)