Monday, October 1, 2007

I almost died today

Well, not "almost", but I could have. It was because of my own stupidity, too.

So, I was really excited to try a new crock pot recipe. Beef stew. Mmm.

I was so proud of myself. I remembered to thaw the meat last night. And this morning I remembered to actually make it.

I was cutting potatoes and singing "Old MacDonald" to Bubbers (boy, does he love that song), thinking to myself, This crock pot stuff is great. Now I can do whatever I want and dinner's all done!

Then during Bubbers' nap, I was relishing the latest installment of "Pioneer Woman's" romance story and I suddenly heard a loud "POP!" coming from somewhere in my house.

Confused, I walked down the hall toward the kitchen.

Was that the lid to the crock pot? I wondered. Sometimes the lid jiggles around when I have it on high, which was all I could figure for the source of that noise.

Then I rounded the corner and just stared.

What on earth??

The side of the crock pot was black, as well as the counter top next to it. Looking closer, I finally figured out what happened.

I am such an idiot. Whoever allowed me to run a kitchen of my own was beyond crazy.


"Hello?" Charming answered.

"Hi," I muttered angrily.

He laughed, "What's wrong?"

"I'm stupid," I answered.

"What do you mean?"

"I ruined our crock pot and blew the fuse in our kitchen. How do I turn the power back on?"

(Laughing now) "What???"

"I turned on the crock pot with the cord caught in it. The cord melted and blew a fuse. All I heard was a loud "POP!" It's a good thing I'm lazy and stayed home all day, or else I would have burned down our house. And then we'd be on welfare. We couldn't even eat our food storage because it would have burned all up. So which breaker do I flip?"

(Actually, since the power turned off, it wouldn't have caught fire. But, as is evidenced by our broken crock pot, I wasn't doing my best thinking today...)

Charming talked me through the whole breaker thing, and just before he hung up, he said, "Check your email. I just sent you a link to a crock pot at Walmart. If you want, I can pick it up on my way home."

"Aw, you're great, thanks, Love!"

I checked it out-- a 6 quart crock pot! Sweet! That would be quite the upgrade from our tiny broken one...

Then I remembered how our camera broke (actually, I found out later it was just a bad battery), and then Charming bought me a new one.

Now our crock pot broke, and he wanted a new one.

Hmmm, I thought, looking around the house critically, What else should I break???